Our Work
Running programmes:
Humanitarian Programme: The programme establishes and maintains an efficient and coordinated system for managing natural or man-made disasters. Caritas Kenya has been actively involved in monitoring of the drought situation in the country. There are 13 arid and semi-arid lands (ASAL) counties in alarm drought phase with the situation rapidly deteriorating in several counties.
Livelihoods Programme: Develops poverty reduction strategies to empower Kenyans towards self-sustenance in all areas. The programme deals with food security, microfinance and environmental conservation as key areas of intervention. It also oversees the implementation of water sanitation and hygiene (WASH) activities, in order to promote sanitation and hygiene practices that will ensure the optimal development and use of water and water facilities.
Gender and Development Programme: The programme promotes empowerment in men and women and facilitates equal participation and opportunity especially among the poor and vulnerable men and women in Kenya.
Capacity Building’ Programme: The programme seeks to promote efficiency and effectiveness of Caritas Kenya as it carries out her mandate while working with her partners both at the international and diocesan level.
Research, Communications and Advocacy Programme: the programme is engaging on SDGs advocacy, mainstreaming and implementation. In addtion, Caritas Kenya is active in the ongoing global dialogues/forums on Climate Change in partnership with CIMOs, the Government, Development organization’s and UN agencies